Ron Siebler - Additions, Remodeling & Renovations - Dallas, TX


I have often wondered what kind of day to day events filled the lives of my great-grandparents who lived in the small town of Cornlea on the Nebraska prairie. Did they participate in cultural and social events? Was there time for recreational activities? What where some of the contemporary topics of discussion? Now, thanks to the Newspaper Project of the Nebraska State Historical Society, I have answers to some of my many questions.


The following excerpts from the Humphrey Democrat include stories about births, deaths, injuries, celebrations, business, weather, family visits, and lots of gossip. So take a trip back in time as you enjoy reading about the blacksmith William Siebler, and the many goings-on in Cornlea.


NOTE:  Dates that are highlighted in blue are linked to a copy of the newspaper for that date.   To keep up with who is who, check out the 1888 and 1890 Cornlea Business Directory.


 March 23, 1888

Ad for Rentschler & Tanke “John Rentschler & Karl Tank - wagonmaker.  Blacksmith and Wagon Shop.    (Comment:  My family always thought that Wm. Siebler was the first blacksmith in Cornlea.  We were wrong.)

March 17, 1893

Cornlea Orchestra will give a dance St Patrick’s night.

July 21, 1893

Our “Village Blacksmith” is kept busy nowadays repairing.

Aug 11, 1893

The farmers bring in their plows to be sharpened at the rate of 3 to 6 at a time.

August 18, 1893

Our city Blacksmith has added a new tire shrinker to his list of tools.

August 23, 1893 Mrs. William Siebler, who has been east on a visit has returned home.

Sept. 15, 1893

Our blacksmith, Wm Siebler, and J. A. Roseback had a great fight one day last week. (Roseback was a merchant in Cornlea)

Sept 29, 1893

Our village blacksmith has put in a new forge and chimney.

Oct 20, 1893

Our village blacksmith is the smoothest man in town we think he would compare pretty well with “Willie the blacksmith.”

Nov 3, 1893

Our Blacksmith Wm Siebler moved from Tom Steinhaus house into the Baker house last Friday.

Nov 10, 1893

Our Blacksmith has just completed his fine cutter & we must say it’s a dandy.

Nov 17, 1893

Wm Siebler took advantage of the snow Sunday by trying his new cutter.

Nov 24, 1893

Our city Blacksmith is kept busy shoeing horses at present.

Feb 16, 1894

Wm Siebler is about to close a deal for the Baker Property in town.

Feb 23, 1894

A few of the things that Cornlea needs at present are a shoe shop, barber shop, drug store, and new school house, and more red-headed girls.

April 13, 1894

Among t hose who attended the Humphrey dance Tuesday night were Mr. & Ms. Peter McIntos, Al Edward, D Edward, Paul and the village smithy

May 4, 1894

Our village Smithy had a keg of nails on tap Tuesday in honor of Tom Steinhanew’s wedding.

May 25, 1894

Wm Siebler is feeling happy since the arrival of a new boy at his house.  All are reported well.     (Comment:  This was my grandfather, Albert Siebler)

The period from the 2nd half of 1894 to August 1898 has not been reviewed.

August 25, 1898

Our city Blacksmith is rushing the buggy trade.

Sept 2, 1898

Born to Mr. & Mrs. Wm Siebler, a daughter, Mother and child doing well

Sept 15, 1898

Mr. Otterphol purchased two new vehicles, one double seated carriage and a single top buggy, of Wm Siebler.

Sept. 30, 1898

Wm Mueting purchased a two seated carriage from W Siebler.  William says he belongs to the upper ten now.

Oct 27, 1898

Wm Siebler is rushing the buggy business.

Dec 14, 1898

Monday night was the coldest night of the season, 12 below zero.

Jan 12, 1899

William Siebler purchased a $500 outfit, including gasoline engine, in Omaha which he will run in connection with his blacksmith shop.

Feb 2, 1899

Wm. Siebler received his new gasoline engine Tuesday and it is a “dandy” too.

Feb 10, 1899

Wm Siebler has his blacksmith shop well equipped for this season.  He says he is prepared to repair or shoe anything from a mosquito to a heavy elephant.

Feb 23, 1899

Wm Siebler has again ordered a large stock of buggies for the spring trade.

Feb 23, 1899

A number of farmers are looking for hired men this season.  $18.00 seems to be the regular price per month.

Feb 28, 1899

Will Siebler and Postmaster Berg took in the village of Humphrey Sunday.

March 3, 1899

Wm Siebler and Will Berg made a flying trip to Humphrey Wednesday evening.

March 23, 1899

It looks as though “Snooks” of the Platte County Democrat is giving our merchant and blacksmith an immense amount of free advertising.  He doesn’t know that puffs for these men will hereafter make them a fortune.  Mr. Mueting says he has this charged up to “Snooks” ignorance anyway.

April 27, 1899

The Huettner Orchestra furnished music for a social party near Humphrey Sunday evening.

May 4, 1899

Wm Siebler attended MWA camp meeting at Humphrey Wednesday evening.  (MWA = Modern Woodmen of The World)

June 8, 1899

Wm Siebler, our popular blacksmith sold two fine single seated buggies last week, one to John Klatlenburg and the other to Joseph Wildhalm.

June 29, 1899

JM Carter is the purchaser of a fine new buggy from Wm Siebler having traded in his old one.  John says the girls have been very modest to him lately in securing the first buggy ride.

Aug 24, 1899

A liberal reward is offered for a little brown jug that came up missing Sunday night.  It is said to be of Humphrey favorite product of gospel grog and gun powder.

Aug 31, 1899

Little Albert, the five year old son of William Siebler, fell from the Coal Shed Tuesday, badly injuring his side.


Telephones are being installed in Cornlea.

April 13, 1900

Wm Siebler sold one of his new buggies to Gus Marik on Wednesday.  He received a carload of buggies the first of the week.

May 3, 1900

Wm Siebler is having his dwelling shingled this week, which improves the condition of Ann Street considerably.

May 11, 1900

Wm Siebler received a telegram Saturday morning announcing the death of his cousin, Miss Lizzie Siebler of Platte Center.

May 11, 1900

J. F. Zuerlein & brother are doing the mason work on Wm Siebler’s residence this week.

May 17, 1900

CU McNeill, the artistic painter of Humphrey is putting some finishing touches on the Siebler residence this week.

June 2, 1900

Will Siebler disposed of his bicycle this week and the purchaser is Will Yilik.

July 5,1900

Wm Siebler is improving quite rapidly from a cut he received in the thigh last week.

Sept 28, 1900

Will Siebler called on friends at Lindsey Sunday.

Nov 6, 1900

Notice: All those owing me on account are requested to call and pay up before January 1st, as I need the money.  Wm. Siebler

Nov 15, 1900

Wm Siebler was sporting a new carriage Sunday.

The following entries were added to the site in March, 2009:

Nov 23, 1900

Our city blacksmith is kept busy this week shoeing horses.

Dec 7, 1900

The Cornlea gun club had a turkey shoot Thanksgiving, The following persons carried turkeys home......  Wm. Siebler

Dec 14, 1900

Wm Siebler, John Carter, John Kane & John Bush were Plate Center visitors Sunday.

Dec 20, 1900

Notice: All those owing me on account are requested to call and pay up before January 1st, as I need the money.  Wm. Siebler.

Dec 27, 1900

Notice: All those owing me on account are requested to call and pay up before January 1st, as I need the money.  Wm. Siebler.

Jan 11, 1901

Wm Siebler went to Omaha this week on business.

Jan 11, 1901

Humphrey is to have electric lights.

Jan 18, 1901

The school board of district 38 at its last meeting appointed William Siebler treasurer to succeed Gus J Marek, resigned.

Feb 23, 1901

Born to Mr. & Mrs. Wm Siebler Feb 18 a son.  (Leopold Gilbert Siebler)

March 21, 1901

Wm Swartz is the proud possessor of a new carriage which he recently purchased from Wm Siebler.

April 4, 1901

Ed Kruse purchased a handsome 2 seater buggy from Wm Siebler Thursday

May 2, 1901 

Wm Siebler, our implement dealer, informs the writer that he has sold 48 buggies and carriages during the past 8 months.

June 20, 1901

Wm Siebler treated his blacksmith shop with a new coat of paint this week.

July 4, 1901

Wm Siebler is now in the lottery business, and will soon raffle of a handsome buggy as soon as the tickets are disposed of.

July 14, 1902

SIGN OF THE TIMES: When a Chinese bank fails in China the bank officials are beheaded.  When an American Bank fails the bank officials are interviewed and express great surprise at the failure.  Bank failures are extremely rare in China.

Aug 31, 1901

The Nebraska Telephone Company will soon have their line equipped here, and, hereafter the Cornlea people will be connected with the world.

Sept 26, 1901



Wm Siebler, the Cornlea Blacksmith, put out several new buggies this week.


A large number of sports holding chances on the Siebler buggy were in town Saturday evening.  The raffle was well handled and Henry Neibur was the lucky man, No 75 being the number that was victorious.


John Scheffle and family, of Madison were guest of the Siebler family Tuesday.

March 14, 1902

The young daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Wm Siebler has been ill a few days this week.

May 30, 1902

Wm Siebler has been on the sick list this week.

Sept 18, 1902

Wm Siebler is giving his blacksmith shop a bright color of paint this week.

Oct 31, 1902

Born on Wed, Oct 29th to Mr. & Mrs. Siebler a son.  (Herman Siebler)

Jan 1, 1903

Cornlea has two saloons both are doing a good business.

Jan 1, 1903

Alfred Kettler is assisting Wm Siebler at the blacksmith shop during the rush.

Feb 20, 1903

Wm Siebler & J. M. Specht were Platte Center visitors Tuesday where the latter was looking for a new location.

May 15, 1903

Alfred Hittner has resigned his position as blacksmith & has not yet decided what business he will take up next.

May 15, 1903

Telephone gangs are using the town.

Aug 7, 1903

Mrs. Wm Siebler left this week for a 2 weeks visit with friends and relatives at Boelus of this state.  She was accompanied by her 2 small children.

Aug 14, 1903

Fred Lohatus put up a windmill Barney Meyer east of town this week.

Nov 20, 1903

Wm Siebler was on the sick list this week.

Nov 27, 1903

Wm Siebler and Jacob Ola were unfortunate enough to have fat ducks and geese walk away Tuesday evening at an early hour.  They informed the writer that they found the heads the next morning in the direction the thieves ran.  The gentlemen were tracked in the snow for nearly 6 miles north of town and they lost track.

The following years have not been reviewed:

1904, 1905, 1906, 1907, and 1908

Oct 16, 1908

Otto, OK and Siebler attended the ball game in Humphrey.

March 19, 1909

Mrs. William Siebler was taken suddenly ill Monday and Dr. Long of Madison was sent for to consul with the local doctors.  Her many friends are anxious for her immediate recovery.

March 26, 1909

Mrs. Wm. Siebler died at her home in Cornlea Saturday, March 20th at 3:15 p.m.  On March 9th she gave birth to a baby girl (Evlelina Siebler) and was getting along nicely until Monday about four o’clock she suffered a stroke of paralysis.  The best of medical skill and scientific nursing was employed to save her life but to no avail.  Mrs. Siebler was a good Christian woman always ready to give a helping had to those in suffering and distress.  She was a devoted wife and loving mother and her home will be dark without her but her loved ones have the hopes of knowing that she is out of all suffering and where happiness and bliss are shared...

June 4, 1909

Wm Siebler who has been quite ill is able to get around again.

June 25, 1909

The home of William Siebler was quarantined on Monday for Smallpox, the oldest daughter, Miss Lucy, being ill with the disease.  Dr. Muldoon was kept busy Monday and Tuesday fumigating the business houses in town and vicinity.

June 25, 1909

The section house was struck by lighting about 2 am Tuesday morning and was soon put out by Millard Bloom.   About 50 dollars damage was done.

(Comment:  See the page for Albert Siebler and read how this item connects with the story of his mother's death)

Sept 3, 1909

Wm Siebler, accompanied by his little daughter Katie wend down to Omaha to consult an oculist in regard to his daughters eyes.

April 1, 1910

Wm Siebler left Cornlea last week without informing his friends but as usual rumors were afloat that it meant honeymoon and evidently the news was ahead of him.  On Saturday March 26 he was united in marriage to Miss Hattie Hyatt of Medicine Lodge Kansas.  Mr. and Mrs. Siebler returned Monday and are now comfortably settled in their new home.  We, your correspondent with the Democrat wish the couple abundant success.  Congratulations were numerous.

The following entries were added to the site in March, 2009:     

April 10, 1910

Whopping cough appears in full stage among the Cornlea youngsters at present.

April 29, 1910

Crawfords Claim

May 13, 1910

Wm Siebler was on the sick list the latter part of the week.

July 1, 1910

Wm Siebler Jr returned home from Boelus where he spent a few weeks with relatives and friends.

July 15, 1910

Wm Siebler went to Platte Center Sunday to visit his cousin George Siebler.

July 22. 1910

Albert Siebler left Saturday for Platte Center where he will work on the farm of his cousin George Siebler.

Sept 9, 1910

Wm Siebler made a trip to Humphrey last Wednesday.

Sep 16, 1910

Mr. & Mrs. Wm Siebler made a trip to Humphrey Sunday.

Sept 23, 1910


Albert and Lucy Siebler visited with their parents Mr. & Mrs. Wm Siebler and family this week.  Lucy returned to Platte Center Sunday but Albert is going to stay another week.


Cornlea is beginning to improve itself by having the streets graded and new hitching post put in.

Sept 30, 1910

Wm Siebler and wife made a trip to Humphrey Monday

Oct 7, 1910

Miss Lucy Siebler visited her parents Mr. & Mrs. William Siebler on Sunday.

Oct 7, 1910

William Siebler took in the Ak-Sar-Ben in Omaha.

Oct 14, 1910

Wm Siebler and wife went to Humphrey Sunday to visit friends.

Oct 21, 1910

Wm Siebler made a business trip to Humphrey Sunday.

Oct 28, 1910

Wm Siebler and daughter Carrie went to Humphrey Sunday to visit with friends.

Nov 4, 1910

The Wm Siebler family made a trip to Humphrey Sunday.


Albert Siebler visited with his parents Mr. & Mrs. Wm Siebler Sunday.

Nov 11, 1910

Miss Lucy Siebler visited with her parents Mr. & Mrs. Wm Siebler Sunday.

Nov 18, 1910

Miss Lucy Siebler visited with her parents Mr. & Mrs. Wm Siebler Sunday.

Dec 2, 1910

Wm Siebler made a trip to Platte Center Saturday to visit with George Siebler and family.

Dec 23, 1910

Wm Siebler is the busiest man in town these days having put on 92 horseshoes in one day.

Mr. & Mrs. Wm Siebler made a trip to Humphrey Wednesday.

Dec 30, 1910



Wm Siebler made a trip to Humphrey Friday evening.


Albert Siebler returned home Thursday event to spend the winter with his parents after having finished work at Platte Center.


Lucy Siebler of Humphrey spent Christmas with her parents.

Jan 13, 1911

Miss Lucie Siebler visited with her parents Mr. & Mrs. Wm Siebler over Sunday.

Jan 27, 1911

Albert Siebler and Otto Olk made a trip to Humphrey Friday night.

Feb 17, 1911

Albert Siebler was on the sick list last week.


Miss Lucy Siebler visited with her parents Mr. & Mrs. Wm Siebler last Sunday


Miss Carie Siebler has a severe attack of pneumonia.


Albert Siebler made a trip to Humphrey Monday.

Feb 24, 1911

Willie Siebler is on the sick list this week being down with the grippe.

March 3, 1911

Miss Lucy Siebler went to Columbus Thursday with her father where she underwent an operation for appendicitis.  The report at this writing is that she is getting along fine.


Geo H Bender and Wm Siebler went to Columbus Sunday to visit with their daughters who are in the hospital at that place.

March 10, 1911

Mr. & Mrs. Wm Siebler went to Columbus Sunday to visit with their daughter who is in the hospital at that place.

April 14, 1911

Mrs. Wm Siebler and daughter Lucy made a trip to Columbus last week.

April 21, 1911

Mr. Siebler and daughter Lucy and Carrie visited with friends at Humphrey

April 28, 1911

Frank Hilmar of Columbus visited with the Wm Siebler family Sunday.

May 12, 1911


Wm Siebler made a trip to Humphrey Sunday.


Mrs. Wm Siebler and daughter Carrie visited with friends at Humphrey Thursday.

May 26, 1911

Wm Siebler and daughter Anna visited with his daughter Carrie at Humphrey Friday night.

May 26, 1911

Wm Siebler made a business trip to Humphrey Friday.


Wm Siebler made a business trip to Tarnov Friday.


Mrs. William Siebler and son Albert made a trip to Humphrey Saturday to attend to Albert’s eye which was injured Friday night.

June 9, 1911

Wm Siebler and son Albert made a trip to Humphrey Sunday.

June 9, 1911

Miss Carrie Siebler visited with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm Siebler Sunday.

June 16, 1911

Miss Carrie Siebler visited with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm Siebler Sunday.

June 23, 1911

Mrs. Wm Siebler and daughter Miss Lucy made a trip to Humphrey Thursday.

June 30, 1911

Mrs. Wm Siebler and daughter Miss Lucy made a trip to Humphrey Thursday.

July 7, 1911

Phillip Siebler was on the sick list last Thursday.

July 14, 1911

Wm Siebler made a business trip to Humphrey Saturday.

July 21, 1911

Albert Siebler made a business trip to Humphrey Saturday.

Aug 18, 1911


Miss Carie Siebler made a trip to Humphrey Saturday.


Wm Siebler spent Sunday with friends in Lindsay.

Aug 21, 1911

Albert Siebler made a trip to Humphrey Monday.

Sept 22, 1911

Quite a large crowd attended the dance here last Thursday.  Remlin’s Harp orchestra furnished the music.


Wm Siebler and Neil Haggerty made a trip to Humphrey Monday night

Nov 3, 1911

Willie Siebler visited friends at Lindsay.

Dec 22, 1911

Wm Siebler went to Lindsay Sunday to visit friends.

Dec 29, 1911

Willie Siebler Jr. spent Christmas with Joe Polsine near Lindsay.

Jan 5, 1912

Mr. & Mrs. Wm Siebler and two children returned Friday from Virginia where they had gone over two months ago to visit with the lady’s mother and other relatives.  While in Virginia a bright baby boy (George Siebler) was born to Mr. & Mrs. Siebler over which the entire family rejoiced when they saw it.  Bill reports having a fine time and says he is very much in love the that part of the country.  Bill of course holds his head higher than ever since he had another blacksmith.

Jan 12, 1912

Carrie Siebler was on the sick list several days last week and was under the doctor’s care.  She is able to be out again.


Willie Siebler visited friends in Lindsay last Sunday.

Jan 26, 1912

Willie Siebler visited friends in Lindsay last Sunday

Feb 2, 1912

Willie Siebler Jr spend Sunday with Frank Fisher and wife near Humphrey.

Feb 9, 1912

Lucille Siebler was a Humphrey visitor between trains.


Wm Siebler, Jr. spent Sunday with friends in Lindsay.

Feb 23, 1912

Willie Siebler went to Humphrey Monday morning to work for Mike Proprocki in the blacksmith shop.  His many friends here will miss him but wish him well in his new undertaking.

March 1, 1912

Stella the five year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm Siebler is seriously sick and is under a physicians care.

March 1, 1912

George the infant child of Mr. & Mrs. Wm Siebler was on the sick list several days last week and was under physician’s care.  We are glad to say at the writing the child is much better.


Carrie Siebler who was staying the past three weeks with Mrs. John McPhillip returned home Friday.

March 1, 1912

Stella the five year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Siebler is seriously sick and is under a physician’s care.


Carrie Siebler who was staying the past three weeks with Mrs. John McPhillip returned home Friday.


Last Wednesday evening the people of Cornlea were aroused from their slumbers by the awful cry of, Fire!  Fire!  On investigation it was found that the city flat east of the Hoadley barber shop, belonging to John Turnes was in flames and had it not been for the heroic work of the Cornlea Firemen, the building would have been totally destroyed.  The boys were quick to respond to the call and with Hoadley and Krueger at the nozzle, and under the direction of Fire Chief Siebler, the fire was soon under control.  President Mueting in his excitement to be one of the first on hand neglected to lace his shoe strings which caused him to fall by stepping on them and had it not been for his active movements would have been run over by the hose cart.  Fortunately the flat was not occupied and there was no danger of any lives being lost.  Unfortunately the building was not insured, which makes a complete loss to Mr. Ternus.       

March 8, 1912

Mr. and Mrs. Wm Siebler received the sad news Tuesday that the lady’s mother who lives at Farmville, Virginia was seriously sick and not expected to live.  Mrs. Siebler and son Georgie left at once for that place and it is hoped that Mrs. Siebler on reaching there will find her mother much improved.


Will Siebler, Jr. Of Humphrey was a Lindsay visitor Sunday.

March 15, 1912

Wm Siebler Sr made a trip to Humphrey between trains Friday.

March 22, 1912

Carrie Siebler visited friends at Humphrey Friday between trains.

April 5, 1912

Wm Siebler Sr, and son Albert made a business trip to Humphrey Friday.


Miss Carrie Siebler went to Day Hayes Sunday, where she expects to stay a month or more to help Mrs. Hayes with the work.

April 19, 1912

Mr. and Mrs. Wm Siebler and son George returned Sunday evening from Farmville, Virginia.

April 26, 1912

Miss Lucile Siebler visited friends between trains at Humphrey Tuesday.

May 3, 1912

Willie Siebler came up from Humphrey Monday evening to spend several hours with home folks.

May 10, 1912

Albert Siebler went to Humphrey Saturday to visit with his brother Will.


Anna Siebler who had been with Mrs. Geo. Bender for the past few months is now helping Mrs. A Heimeir and expects to remain for the summer.


Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Siebler and son Georgie were Humphrey visitors Wednesday.


Mrs. Wm Siebler and son Georgie and Lucille went to Humphrey Monday to consult a physician concerning little Georgie’s health.

May 17, 1912

Albert and Lucile Siebler went to Lindsay Sunday to visit with Pearl Haffley.

May 24, 1912


Willie Siebler of Humphrey stopped a short time with his parents while on his way to Lindsay.


Lucile and Carrie Siebler went to Lindsay Saturday where Lucile will work for Mrs. Gogan and Carrie for another family.  We hope they like their new places.


The Veteran of 1812.  Don’t fail to see the Veteran of 1812, a romantic military drama in 5 acts to be presented by the Cornlea Dramatic Club Sunday evening.  This is a play which will please and interest everyone.  Special songs and music between acts.   You are sure to get your moneys worth and will miss it if you don’t attend.


Doors open 7:00 o’clock.  Play commences 8:00 o’clock.  Admission, adults 50 cents: Children 25 cents.  Don’t forget the date.

May 31, 1912

Willie Siebler and Fred Haffley of Humphrey came up Sunday in Mike Paprocki’s car and visited several hours with the former’s parents, after which they went to Lindsay to visit friends.  Willie knows how to handle the car as though he had handled one for years and expect before we know it he will run one of his own.

June 14, 1912

Willie Siebler of Humphrey spent Monday with his parents.


Mrs. Wm. Siebler and children went to Humphrey Thursday with the train to attend to business.  Willie Siebler, Jr. brought them home with the auto.

June 21, 1912

Miss Carrie Siebler sent several day with home folks and on Sunday she left for Lindsay to resume her work.  Her sister Annie accompanied her to Lindsay, where she at the same time visited with her sister, Lucille.

July 5, 1912


Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Siebler and son Georgie went to Humphrey Friday.  Mike Paprocki took them down in his auto.

Anna Siebler went to Lindsay Friday to visit with her sisters Lucile and Carrie

July 12, 1912


Mrs. Wm Siebler and son Georgie and Anna were Humphrey visitor Monday.


Cornlea celebrated the anniversary of the day when the Declaration of Independence was signed.  Amusements of all kinds were furnished, consisting of various races, Tug of war, dancing etc.  The double header ball game between Cornlea and Creston was enjoyed by many.  Plays were made on both sides equal to those seen tin the large league games and while Creston put up a good game, they were defeated in both games.  They brass band which furnished music for the day encourage the ball players by rendering several patriotic pieced during the games.  All kinds of refreshments could be attained on the grounds at any place and no one went hungry or thirsty.  Mr. Gruenther of Columbus delivered a thrilling speech, touching the occasion of the day which was listened to attentively by several hundred people.  The dance in the bowery was attended and enjoyed by many who loved to step to the light fantastic.  In fact every item was of interest and a success.  The crowd dispensed at a late hour with the feeling and knowledge that they had nothing to regret that they had celebrated the great day in Cornlea.

July 26, 1912

Mr. And Mrs. Wm Siebler and son Georgie were Humphrey visitors Tuesday.  They went down with the train and their son Willie brought them home in an auto.       

Aug 2, 1912

Miss Carrie Siebler is visiting with home folks for a week or two.


Willie Siebler came up from Humphrey Sunday to visit with home folks.

Aug 9, 1912


Georgie the little infant on of Mr. and Mrs. Wm Siebler was seriously ill several days last week and was under the doctor’s care.  He is feeling much better at this writing.


Miss Anna Siebler visited friends at Lindsay Wednesday.

Aug 16, 1912

Miss Carrie Siebler returned to Lindsay Friday after spending several weeks with her parents.


Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Siebler and son Georgie left Tuesday for Boelus this state to visit with relatives and friends.

Aug 23, 1912



Miss Anna Siebler of Cornlea visited with her sisters Lucy and Carrie Sunday.


Wm. Siebler sold his house and lots to Nick Hemmer last Friday, and we are sorry to say that Cornlea will lose one of their oldest citizens before very long.


Albert Siebler spent several days with friends at Columbus.

Aug 30, 1912

Wm Siebler was a Humphrey visitor Monday.


Willie Siebler was over from Humphrey Sunday to spend the day with his parents and friends.


Mr. and Mrs. Wm Siebler and children, George and Stella went to Aurora Friday on business. 

Sept 6, 1912

Willie Siebler Jr, who for the past few months has been working as blacksmith at Humphrey has returned to Cornlea to take charge and manage his father’s hop.  Mr. Siebler is going to Aurora, Nebraska to take up similar work at that place.  We are all glad to see and have Willie back with us again and it seems good to hear his hearty laugh and see his congenial smile once more.  It is also rumored that Willie has some object in view in the near future, of course we can all guess what it is.  Well Willie she is a pretty nice girl and we will all be there with out shot guns, tin pans, etc., when that time comes.


Mr. and Mrs. Wm Siebler and children left Friday morning for Aurora, this state where they expect to make their future home and where Mr. Siebler will continue his trade as blacksmith.  Bill run a blacksmith shop here for the past twenty three years and those who ever had any work done by him especially when they have work for him to do as he is the best blacksmith for miles around here.  But what is Cornlea’s loss is Aurora’s gain.  Mr. and Mrs. Siebler leave many friends in Cornlea and vicinity who hate to see them leave for they realize that they have lost a family that were highly respected.  Their many friends here wish them abundant success and happiness in their new home and surroundings.  Their sons Willie and Albert will continue to operate their father’s place of business here at Cornlea.

Sept 20, 1912

Willie Siebler went to Humphrey to assist Frank Fisher and Richard Mintken play for the John Van-Ackren dance. 

Sept 27, 1912


Willie Siebler Jr. returned Monday evening from Aurora, Nebr, where he had been to spend several days with his parents.  Willie informs us that his folks are well and that his farther is very busy and they like their new home very much.

Oct 11, 1912

Willie Siebler went to Lindsay Tuesday to visit friends.

Oct 18, 1912

Will Siebler and Geo. Kruse were Lindsay visitors Sunday.

Oct 25, 1912

Geo. Kruse and Willie Siebler were Lindsay visitors Sunday.

Nov 1, 1912

Lucile Siebler visited a short time with Mayme Kruse while on her way from Lindsay to Madison to take in the dance.

Nov 8, 1912

Miss Lucile Siebler came down from Lindsay Monday to work for Mrs. Robert Reilly.

Nov 15, 1912

Miss Lucile Siebler attended the Newman Grove dance Wednesday.

Nov 22, 1912

Miss Lucile Siebler returned to Lindsay Wednesday.

Dec 20, 1912 Will Siebler and Geo Kruse visited friends at Lindsay Sunday.





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